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If TDF/Lo had the money to spend on the making of a video/advertisement/infomercial for LO, it would be nice, but they/we do no have such money.

If someone would to a video of a presentation, not at an event, then it could be a start. Then have some video time showing a monitor while someone is demo-ing LO can be included. Show people how easy LO is to use, plus a comparison to using it with MSO files, and other "stuff" that makes LO the best free product out there for an alternative to MSO.

As for the other issue, we need to have a side by side comparison of all of the free office products, Windows and Linux, with a listing for MSO in their to make it useful for Windows users to see that they do not need to have MSO for their "normal" office needs. Gear it for home, student [grades 6-12, plus university], and business users. If we had some side by side facts about LO compared to the others, we would not need the "in my opinion" information about LO as much as we do now.

Quotes from articles comparing LO and MSO would help.

Windows is the real need to get more users using LO over any other office option for that environment. We need to get more Windows quotes about how good LO is compared to MSO, not relying on "best of the Linux office suites" types of articles.

Yes, we need to let them know that you can have MSO and LO on your system. Or you can say that you can have LO on your personal/home system and keep using MSO at work. Then you will not need to buy a copy of MSO 2010 on any home hardware. I just deleted the icons to deal with trial and "buy now" for MSO 2010 for a laptop bought last month by a friend. She has LO and my 638K dictionary installed now. She it the type of person that might see those icons and think that she must buy MSO 2010 to get her laptop running "completely".

LO and OOo cannot be "easily" run side by side, but while I still used Windows on my desktop, I has OOo and MSO on it at the same time. That was before LO came out and before I switched to Linux as my default system.

It would be nice to have a GOOD brochure with the quotes from Windows articles, so we can show potential users; either for ourselves or at the shows/events coming soon in North America. It seems that our people "in charge" with marketing materials do not have one that I can see for use like that. When Drew had time, he created one spring/summer of last year to be included with the NA-DVD, but I have not seen an updated one to be geared for the new users and all the good things that LO can do now.

Here is a link to the May 15th, 2011 pamphlet I was talking about.

Here was the last inserted document for installing LO from the NA-DVD from May 16th, 2011 edit.

On 03/02/2012 11:48 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I would rather see the work done by a volunteer too especially if that meant someone that had a good understanding of LibreOffice and perhaps the wider FOSS community. However, paying for things sometimes makes the relationship clearer and easier to control. Either way the trick is finding someone or a few people with the skills, time and motivation.

On a side-issue / tangent ...
We don't have to fight against OpenOffice anymore. Not that we were really fighting them before but now it's even less relevant. Similarly with AbiWord&Gnumeric, KOffice/Calligra, Google-docs and the rest of the OpenSource alternatives. OpenOffice is a great product and it helps us to help people start using it and to break away from trying to use MS Office. LibreOffice is a lot better than OpenOffice so people will move towards it once they realise they are both so similar. The most difficult step is the 1st step. That important 1st step is to help people realise there are good alternatives to MS Office. If people think there is a squabble between OpenOffice and LibreOffice they may delay until they can see which one loses first! However if we can show people that both are strong products standing shoulder-to-shoulder as brothers (or sisters) then it gives them greater confidence in just choosing one (and then perhaps changing to the other one later when they realise that is easy). Similarly i think it's important that people know they can keep running their old MS Office and just have LibreOffice / OpenOffice alongside so that they can gradually move over at their own pace. So, people have less to worry about while moving over. All that is just my own opinion and i know others think differently. Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Fri, 2/3/12, Nguyễn Vũ Hưng<>  wrote:

From: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Looking for a movie to promote LibreOffice
To: "Tom Davies"<>
Date: Friday, 2 March, 2012, 4:10

Hi there,

2012/3/1 Tom Davies<>

Hi :)
There are some fairly old YouTube things that may have higher quality originals if you contact the 
person that created them

1.   A smart young professional looking chap giving a good but slightly visually dull interview

That is myself at 319th second in that movie :)

This movie was created by the guy who is working at (Vietnam) VTV2, taking care of "IT space program", who 
also asked me if LibreOffice has any movie alike to "The Mozilla Story" so that he can put both on-line in 
the same programme.

3.  This one looks like a working conference for the wider FOSS community

One of the guy in the movie is Mr. Le Trung Nghia, who has fought ODF against  OOXML, and we won.  
ODF now is a national standard and ODF/ is either forced or recommended in the public 

However, we are still working hard to make LibreOffice replace
By the way, MSO (mainly 2003) and MS formats are still the de facto standard in Vietnam.

To make LibreOffice official, one of the thing I am thinking is that,

get it on VTV2.

4.  Again the wider FOSS community.  This looks very polished.  A professionally produced advert?

That is the same programme IT space, the same guy that I have mentioned.

The communities including, HanoiLUG, Vietlug and many local/online lugs in Vietnam.

people have suggested putting together a commercial advert or a brief introduction and occasionally we have had people interested in helping do the video editing side of things. Sadly all these people seem to ask at very different times and come from different lands with different languages. Last one i remember was Daniska(? sorry for the bad spelling!) from Thailand (i think). I can't remember who offered their video editing skills.

Great to hear that,

A lot of the sections of the Mozilla ones fit LibreOffice extremely well. Perhaps we could start by using some of their advert? Perhaps mention them at the same time? I think we might have to ask their permission but i imagine they released it under a copyleft agreement.


On another tack i might be able to engage a professional VJ that has produced an advert for another 
high tech product but he is so far a bit clueless about LibreOffice at the moment although i
could possibly explain it well enough for him to make something impressive. Possibly £200 (Uk) for 2-5 min but i have no idea really.
I think we can find a vonlunteer.

I have contacted Nixie and asked if she could send me the movie :)

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