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I was thinking that since it was a LO poster for a LO table "fest", it would be nice if the file used to create the poster would be shared.

I have no trouble creating a poster for things I am dealing with, but there are some North American events coming soon, with April 28-29 being the LinuxFest Northwest 2012. I bet they could use as many marketing poster ideas as we can provide them.

I know that locally the 6 foot by 30 inch "LibreOffice" banner cost about $75, and the one shown in the linked photo would be about half that [hopefully].

I know the price of that 6 foot banner since I am working on a design for a local organization and we were quoted that if we provide the PDF file.

It would be nice to share the files [in standard formats] so every region that has these shows where LO could get a booth/table, can have similar materials, posters, banners, etc., for their use.

I have asked on the website list about how to get a 3.4.5 DVD label design shown there. I think if the designers of the labels, brochures, fliers, posters, banners, and other marketing items shared their creations, we would have a large marketing resource.

I would really like to see a tri-fold brochure, or flier, that was geared towards the school and university students. Get them while they are young. Get schools to look at LO as an alternative to buying MSO for all their systems. Give the parents an option instead of buying MSO for their kid's laptops when they send them on to the colleges and universities.

The more marketing materials we have to access locally, the better we can be.

Yes Drew,
I most likely could make a version of the poster in the photo, if I could read the text and use some translation package to see what it saids, but it would be better to just download it from our marketing pages.

On 03/14/2012 02:27 PM, drew jensen wrote:
On Wed, 2012-03-14 at 10:24 -0400, Tim Lungstrom wrote:
Is there any place where we could get copy of this type of poster, shown
in the image listed in the below link?
Likely not - well, of course there could be, but likely not that you
will ever get your hands on.

If you really like though, it could be reproduced in English and using
FOSS tools, in an standard format, and shared with the full community.

Shall we?


I was thinking that it looks great, and would be nice to have something
like this for the English "fests" coming up this year.

Having it in English, instead of needing to take the SVG file and
editing it, would be helpful.

We need as many marketing posters and "stuff" as possible for the North
American shows ands fests.

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