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Le dimanche 17 juin 2012 à 09:33 -0400, webmaster-Kracked_P_P a écrit :
Is it true that AOO is not going to have the same numbering system for 
its version, like LO is using?  I have seen "advertisements" for AOO in 
articles that talk about AOO v4.  If they skip all of the 3's and go to 
the version name "4", then it may look like LO is behind them, when it 
was LO who moved far ahead of them in the past year.

It is true that AOO 4 is scheduled to be their next release with
Symphony being used as the base. Which basically turns everything upside
down again (since they could have used Symphony from the beginning, but
hey, better use the trademark and the magical
"community") , but will have the great benefit of separating clearly AOO
and LibreOffice. In the end I think that's for the best. 

Could there be a system setup where you collect email addresses to send 
out a notice for the next release of LO, 

in several countries that gets you to jail :-)

or maybe add some simple 
function where if there is access to the Internet, it would look online 
for what version is available and tell the user that there is a new 
version out for them to try?  It could be performed once a week, 
bi-weekly, or monthly.  You would have to have both a function as part 
of LO and a data file online that shows which version are currently in 
final release.

We already have it, it was activated again in LO 3.4.x or 3.5, and it
works, but its yield is more limited in that the notification works for
existing LibreOffice users. If you have a copy of no
software notification will tell you that there's LibreOffice out there.


For those of you that use the latest version of Linux, I hope your 
repositories will reflect the newest LO version within a month of the 
release.  I still use Ubuntu 10.04 on most of my systems, so its 
repository still used the old OOo 3.x as its default office package.  I 
do have a Ubuntu 12.04/MATE install on a laptop, but I do not use it often.

On 06/17/2012 07:49 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

The brand name and the automatic upda notification do help, obviously.


Le 17 juin 2012 11:05, "Marc Paré"<>  a écrit :

FYI (for those who are interested) -- From the latest SourceForge

"Fastest Growing Projects
Each month I get a report of the fastest growing projects for the month.
Often, they contain an equal mix of familiar and new. This usually means
that the familiar projects have pushed out a new release, and that the new
projects have been discovered by a new audience.

This month, these are the top ten growth projects:

Apache OpenOffice: A wonderful multiplatform and multilingual office suite.

KeePass Password Safe: KeePass - A free open source password manager.

aMSN: MSN compatible messenger application. ..."



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Charles-H. Schulz
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