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Hi Florian,

Le 2012-10-08 05:07, Florian Effenberger a écrit :

Marc Paré wrote on 2012-10-07 21:23:

Yes, that does sound quite reasonable. IMO, though, we should always
make sure the infrastructure keeps pace with our growth as the first
priority, but I am sure that that is one of the priorities already
agreed to by all.

indeed. However, a second idea behind mentioning those infrastructure
items is that we might find a sponsor for what we need. In other words:
If we write we need XYZ new servers, maybe some ISP or hoster comes up
and offers us them, instead of donating money. It might now always fit,
since our requirements are rather specific, but still... :-)

Yes great idea and it will get some of our teams talking together again.
The list would then be prioritized along the lines of first -- "needs"
followed by the "wish-list"?

I absolutely agree, yes.
The issues you mentioned are also part of the larger problem of "growing
the community" and "fostering communication and structures", which is
something we definitely should work on. After the conference, I plan
several conference calls to kick things off again.


Did you want these wishlists organized before the conference? If so, I can post a note on all of the lists and collect the information. It would probably help if we post a deadline for submission.



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