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On 10/12/2012 07:37 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Hi Marc,

Marc Paré wrote on 2012-10-11 18:49:
Could we not instead have a button in the "Help" or on the "About" popup
window? These could be links to our donations page where there would be
more information on for what the funds are being raised or about any
fundraising campaigns. I think we would have a better chance at
convincing people if we present them with good arguments to contribute
rather than just giving them a quick plea for a donation.

If the number of mouse-clicks that lead to a donations plea during the
install process is the same as the number of mouse-clicks to get to a
donations link in the "Help" menu, then I would favour this last one.
The rationale being that the user would have installed/test-tried the
suite and would be in a better mind-set to donate. I don't know about
you, but, at install time, I do not usually donate until I try out the
software I am downloading.

these are some very good points, indeed! Showing a donation request after the user had a chance to use the program is a great idea. However, I think in the about window, it will simply be hidden. I didn't think throug this thoroughly yet, but spontaneously, I see two options: Either an own menu entry in the help menu ("Donate"), or - and I prefer that one - a small donation button on the start center. This doesn't necessarily has to be intrusive, but still most people would spot it.

Totally independent from that, we definitely should enhance our donations page with concrete requests, items and amounts.


I just hope the download-donation page is not like what Ubuntu is now doing for their download-donation page. They use a red button for the "go to PayPal to complete the donation" but there is only a red text letting you opt out of the payment. It should have been a button like the payment option.

They do do one interesting thing though. They give you a choice on where the money will be used.
        Make the desktop more amazing
        Performance optimization for games and apps
        Improve hardware support
        Phone and Tablet versions for Ubuntu
        Community participation in Ubuntu development
        Better coordination with Debian and upstreams
        Better support for flavours like Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu
        Tip to Canonical - the make it happen

Their defaults are to list  $2 USD, for my region, in each listing box.

I do think that having to opt-out of a payment is not the way. Maybe when you click on a download, you get a page thanking you for downloading LO and ask if you wish to make a donation. Make it clear that the download is free and the donation is optional. Also I think that the page should appear after the download process starts, saw you get the browser's "save screen" and when you finish with that you will see the thank-you for downloading page and the donation option. Also, I wonder about having the donation show once per session. For most users, they will be needing to download the main package and a language pack and/or help pack. You do not want to have the donation page display for each file you download. Maybe just have it come in with the main package.

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