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On 10/29/2012 05:09 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

toki wrote on 2012-10-16 18:17:
Most of the states of the United States, and provinces of Canada have
laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, and restrictions on who,
where, when, and how donations can be solicited, requested, or accepted.

do I assume right that this is only valid for organizations acting from within the US?


Here the US/State of Georgia information (I live in Georgia):

The Georgia web page references the US tax code and seems to imply that the organization must fall under US Internal Revenue Service rules. I am not sure if anyone has modernized their laws to reflect the possibility of a foreign charity being able to accept donations from anywhere in the world. My reading of the Georgia information is that the law assumes the charity is US based or has an office in the US. I suspect most US states would have similar laws and regulations.

I think the real problem is if someone donated a very large sum of money and wanted to deducted the donation from the taxes. Not being a registered US charity would probably mean the deduction would not be allowed.

Jay Lozier

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