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On 11/08/2012 05:11 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
Il 08/11/2012 17:16, Jay Lozier ha scritto:

Positive trends are more important than precise numbers of users.

The problem here is that everyone, including journalists, is aware that our figures are intended to provide a trend, while Mr Rob Weir does not understand this basic concept. He would like to see journalists bashing TDF, as he has been doing on a regular basis since June 2011. This, of course, will never happen, for two reasons: journalists might criticize but do not bash, and the positive trends around TDF and LibreOffice are so clear that writing something different would be impossible (unless you have a specific agenda against TDF, LibreOffice, free software and open standards).

The issue appears to Rob Wier. It seems that everyone else understands the statistics are somewhat imprecise and that there is a positive trend in downloads and thus interest. It strikes me as he has a personal issue with someone associated with LO and am I not interested in that.

Personally I would like to see all the major FOSS office suites succeed. It is better eventually for all of us in the long term.

Jay Lozier

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