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On 11/27/2012 04:55 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:
webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote (27-11-12 19:24)

Can someone build on this "love" LO design for something that would be
good for a sign or something else that could be used.

I was thinking about using it as a graphic that can be "attached" to my
laptop display back so it is shown to people while I am typing/using my
laptop in public.

You could print it on a sticky label, or order some hundred from a local printer?
It sticks fine on my laptop and of quite some others in the mean time :-)

I have printed out these types of things on "sticky" paper before. It is a "bear" to remove a full page sized one after 2 years of fading. So I think this time I will use some other product to attachit to my laptop[s].

What I was thinking was someone with "better" design skills could take this and add things that would make it amarketing "poster". Addtext and/or the URL of the web site. How many people out there in the general population would know what it is. Sure, the current "sticker" could start up a conversation with someone who saw it on my laptop [or where-ever], but I think it would look great to be a part of a larger marketing "poster" for LibreOffice.

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Whatever text would be good to advertise the advantages of using LibreOffice for their home/office work.

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