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Hi all:

        I have installed Kingsoft in my Android Tablet because at this moment I
think is the best option in that plataform and we don't have LibreOffice
or OpenOffice for Android. But I didn't know that they have a version
for windows.

        I didn't use it a lot because I use my tablet for others things, but
when I used it, its perfomance is good.

        Of course, until I remember it doesn't have all the features that
LibreOffice or OpenOffice have (At least as I rememberd and I didn't use
my last update of this program in my Tablet to know is it it is true as
I tell you)


Jorge Rodríguez

El jue, 06-06-2013 a las 17:24 -0400, Kracked_P_P---webmaster escribió:
well I never heard of that product and if there is any truth of what the 
commenter states, I would not want to try it.

I really do not see any free office product that is better than 
LibreOffice.  I have been using LibreOffice since it was just about to 
be released off of the "release candidate stage".  Have been supporting 
LO since 3.3.2 or 3.3.3.  I have been handing out brochures of one type 
or another promoting LO, and CDs and DVDs with LO on them since the 
spring/summer of 2011.

I believe that LibreOffice is better than MSO, not just a free 
alternative to MSO.  I stopped buying MSO with the 2003 release.

So, I do not agree with your article.

I believe in LibreOffice and all of its pros and cons.  I use it and 
promote it.

So, I have never heard of Kingsoft's office package.  I have never seen 
any other articles stating that Kingsoft was a good or great free package.

On 06/06/2013 02:55 PM, jack wallen wrote:
The author of that article was me...just so ya know.

I never even heard of this office packages company.

If the commenter is correct, then CNET really need to rethink their


Kingsoft Office 2013: The best free Microsoft Office alternative?

Not only does it have the best interface around, it also brings
innovations like tabbed document viewing and drag-and-drop paragraph
Rick Broida
by Rick Broida
June 5, 2013 10:52 AM PDT


One of the replies to that article is as follows

25 minutes ago

You do know Kingsoft is a communist Chinese company whose nation has
been conducting unrelenting hack attacks to strip America of all its
technology? If you can't build it, steal it is their credo. What better
way to open up a million backdoors then by offering free software that
exactly emulates Microsoft's flagship program.

By the way read their EULA very carefully. IT CLEARLY STATES THAT
Have you read it Karyn?  I downloaded this software several years ago
read that EULA and used Revo to deepscan uninstall that software. It had
put tendrils all through my computer. Revo is very good and got it all,
but don't be fooled.

This is part and parcel to China's hacking attempts and for cnet to
recommend it is both incredibly naive and questionable at best.

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Jorge Rodríguez

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