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On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Italo Vignoli <> wrote:
I think that we should propose a
global promotion strategy based on a few actions (starting from an ODF
icon set, which is sorely missing), and if no one follows us then we
have the legitimate option of taking it over.

Charles mentioned that a default icon set was considered previously,
but didn't work out. Does someone have a quick summary of the

Of course, to avoid being accused of hijacking the ODF promotion by the
usual suspects, we can have FSF and FSFE launch the campaign (and host
the relevant pages).


I think that there are two separate but related campaigns we want to run:

1) People should use ODF formats for interoperability

There are several points to make here, but a big one is that modern
versions of Microsoft Office *can* read/write ODF. If there are
specific bugs in LO that are causing us to break compliance w/ODF and
with other implementations, we should make it a priority to fix those
so we can show our good-faith effort in correctly supporting the
interchange format.

2) People should use Free/Libre software....when dealing with ODF files

This campaign is just like the PDF Readers campaign, etc... we have a
website, we give people stock badges to put on their websites, etc.
This not only makes it easy for people to promote Free Software ODF
software, but also lowers the barrier to using ODF formats, as you can
just drop a badge+link whenever you put an ODF document online.

We can ping John Sullivan and Karsten Gerloff about this idea, and get
their opinion as well.

Campaign #2 seems like it would be very appropriate for the FSF(E) to
lead. Campaign #1 might be appropriate for the OpenDoc Society
<> (the group that runs the site).


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