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Charles-H. Schulz wrote on 2014-04-14 13:51:

I have not tried it but I really think it may be part of the answer to
the issue. I'll let the list know about my impressions.

IMHO, even if it's more work for the moderator, combining various media is best - some dislike phone, some dislike IRC, some want to use Hangouts. If those can be combined, e.g. by connecting phone and Hangouts, and someone reading IRC feedback to the phone line, it might yield more attention. Not sure if that is worth the efforts, though...

As for advertising the session on the social networks, I must admit I
have mixed feelings about it. The session should appeal to active
members of the community, people all around the world who engage into
specific activities on LibreOffice. Would social networks only attract
curious people more than actual contributors? That is my "fear", but
perhaps there are other opinions on this?

Given participation is so scarce, I'd give it a try, and if it doesn't work out, let's not do it again for next time :)


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