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Hi Marc,
in the students' original post, the question to which the 'correct' answer
was Microsoft Excel was 'what software will they use' during the course,
not 'what software can they use'. It was probably the first lesson where
the teacher introduced the curriculum of the course and told the students
they would work with Excel in the course. As long as the school provides
free Windows and Office licence to the students, no one is at disadvantage.
On the other hand, all spreadsheet software are different - the same
functionalities can be accessed slightly differently, there can be
different dialog boxes etc. A teacher can't be prepared to a situation
where all students use the software of their own choice in the classroom,
so it must be accepted that the teacher chooses one specific software to be
used by all students at school. It is another question to let the students
do their homework using whatever software, as long as their work can be
converted into or read by the software they use at school.

Marc Paré <> ezt írta (időpont: 2024. ápr. 12., P, 10:45):

It would be nice if someone at LibreOffice could send a response to that
school whereby the use of the phrase "you are being `fact-checked`" and
dispute the forced use of MS Office, and then send the usual reasons in
order to educate the school re: LibreOffice. The fact that LibreOffice
is universally available to all on any platform and where MS Office is
not available on Linux, these days, is embarrassing - students using
Linux as their operating system are being placed at a clear disadvantage
by that school.


Le 2024-03-26 à 06 h 07, Mike Saunders a écrit :
Hi everyone,

On Twitter (I mean, "X") someone posted about their school requiring
students to use Microsoft Office. Even worse, the school has a quiz
for new students where they are asked what software they can use, and
LibreOffice is an option, but the "correct" answer is Microsoft
Office. Here's the thread:

And for those who don't want to use "X", a screenshot:

So what can we do about this? My idea is a short infographic that we
can post in response to such things, pointing out the benefits of FOSS
(especially with regards to data privacy) and how it's important for
students to have choice in the tools they use, and the value of
learning other tools.

Ideas and mockups very welcome :-)

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