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Il 20/04/24 11:42, Bastien Guerry ha scritto:
Hi Paolo,

I cannot use youtube right now: could you share a written summary?


No.  Here is a kind of description from another page:

"Wanna Cry" was just the latest wake-up call: the cyber attack with the blackmail Trojan hit hundreds of thousands of computers in over 100 countries in May 2017. But how can only one malware program paralyze companies, hospitals and even intelligence services all over the world at the same time? The answer has a name: Microsoft.

A film by Harald Schumann and Árpád Bondy

Find the full-length interviews from this film here:

Many state and public administrations from Helsinki to Lisbon operate with the software of the US corporation. It makes them vulnerable for hackers and spies, violates European public procurement law, blocks technical progress and costs Europe dearly. Harald Schumann and his Investigate Europe research team have spoken to insiders and managers throughout Europe about this. Martin Schallbruch, the former head of IT at the German Government, reports how the states are becoming increasingly dependent on Microsoft. A top Dutch lawyer describes how the EU Commission and governments are violating European procurement law. In France, the Ministry of Defence has bypassed parliament in concluding secret contracts with Microsoft, so Senator Joelie Garriaud-Maylam now wants to set up a committee of inquiry. The Hamburg data protection officer Johannes Caspar warns that the Microsoft systems could expose private data of citizens to investigation by the US secret services. Internal documents prove that the Federal Office for Information Security shares this mistrust. Both the European Parliament and the German Bundestag have therefore repeatedly called for state IT systems to be converted to open source software that can be tested by Europe's own security authorities. Italy's army has also begun this change, tells Italian general Camillo Sileo. The same is true for police authorities in France and Lithuania or the cities of Rome and Barcelona. But why do most governments oppose against the alternatives, or even - as in the case of the city of Munich - return into the arms of the monopolist Microsoft? Andrup Ansip, EU Commissioner for the Digital Single Market and other stakeholders face the questions.

What an excellent documentary. Unfortunately, the EU is full of bureaucrats who either don't care, or have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. It is impossible to argue that they are acting in the best interests of the European Union.

I was so ashamed and angered when I visited the EU website to watch a debate in EU parliament, only to discover I needed to install Microsoft's Silverlight to do so - something that is not available Linux (and no, "Moonlight" didn't work).

As an EU taxpayer, I find this reprehensible, and borderline illegal. There are open alternatives out there. This isn't "democracy" at all - it's "democracy if you use Microsoft products". The EU should hang its head in shame!!!

On the same subject:

I am working since years to build a world based on open source, circular economy and renewable energy.  But some people are using heavy weapons.      Don't politicians know governments, schools and universities are using taxpayers' money ?


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